A balanced approach that combines cultural and physical control measures with judicious applications of pesticides is often your best bet for long-term success. Attract natural predators If you’re looking for a natural way to get rid of pesky planthoppers, why not attract predators like ladybugs a...
Found it! Class: Hexapoda, Order: Hemiptera Heteroptera, Family: Lygaeidae, Genus: Oxycarenus,Species:Oxycarenus lavaterae. Thanks for all the help. Reply bugman October 18, 2014 11:38 am Thanks for the confirmation that the family is correct and we are happy our broad identification allo...
When it comes to examining rove beetles, their ability to fly is a topic worth mentioning. Rove beetles do possess wings, but they’re often hidden beneath their very short wing covers. While not all species of rove beetles are known to fly, their concealed wings may be used in some inst...
This is due to the adult firefly’s relatively short lifespan, which is typically no more than a few months long and is normally spent looking for a mate. Fireflies of the genus Photuris are especially devious when it comes to feeding. Females will lure in males of other species by ...
Use a loupe or a microscope to check on your leaves. Use neem oil or slug traps to reduce the risk of pest infestations Sterilise your soil if you’re getting it from unknown sources. Use beneficial insects (predatory mites, ladybugs, etc.) to keep pests away. How to fix Use foliar ...
It protects beneficial insects like ladybugs. There are also traits that offerAbiotic Stress Tolerance(a good example is this year farmers in the western Plains will be planting some corn that is called DroughtGard which helps the plant function better in times of low water availability),Disease ...
I believes that some “species” in this genus (if they are really species can hybrize). The specimen is phenotypically intermediate betwee C. aeneoplagiata (Lucas) and C. thoracica (Perty), and can not be adscribed to any species of the genus in particular. I am making a taxonomic ...