Acute ischemic stroke (AIS) is a threatening stressor and an increasingly major cause of death and disability, accounting for the leading criminal of hospitalization for neurologic diseases [1].In the acute early stage, profound alterations of the autonomic, endocrine, metabolic, and immune systems ...
It may distinguish and demonstrate lacunar infarcts, tiny cortical, and subcortical infarcts, brain atrophy, perivascular gaps, and other anatomical abnormalities. Silent brain infarction is a poorly understood and understudied condition because there is no obvious clinical damage. The propagation of ...
Pulmonary fibrosisis the term for scarring in and of the lungs, or it can be seen as a term that encompasses many diseases that lead to this end. ''Pulmonary'' means ''relating to the lungs,'' and ''fibrosis'' refers to ''the process of scarring over.'' ...
The speed of information processing by the human brain changes with age but dementia is not part of the normal ageing process. Dementia is a progressive impairment of cognitive skills – remembering things, awareness of place and passage of time and ability to learn new things. Each person will...
Lacunar infarctionSomatosensory evoked potential (SEPs)PropriocepsisCerebellar pathwaysBoth cerebellar dysfunction and proprioceptive deficits have been described as the cause of the ataxia in patients with ataxic hemiparesis. In order to determine the cause of the ataxia, we investigated the sensory ...
He explains that although he quit smoking 11 years ago, he used to smoke; clinicians estimate that he has a 20 pack-year history. Clinicians note a significant drooping on the right side of his face. His motor strength is 0/5 in right upper extremity, 2/5 in right lower extremity, and...
Preoperative imaging may be limited to the evaluation of aortic pathologies and cardiac functions since aortic dissection is a pathology that requires urgent surgery. In addition, although it is thought that the evaluation of the Willis polygon and collateral flow by cranial Computed tomography angiograp...
The etiology of ischemic stroke is multifactorial. Although receiving less emphasis, genetic causes make a significant contribution to ischemic stroke genesis, especially in early-onset stroke. Several stroke classification systems based on genetic information corresponding to various stroke phenotypes were pr...