know (someone or something) for what (they or it) is To identify or recognize someone or something for the type of person or thing that they truly are. "What" can be replaced with a different noun.By now I know these offers for what they really are—shameless scams.He tried to impres...
In Knucklebones, This Is What We KeepPeter Richter
The cuboid bone is one of the bones on the lateral side of the foot, also known as the outside of the foot. The bone plays a key role in the stability of the foot and the jointing of the foot and ankle. As the name implies, this bone is cube-shaped, and in fact, knucklebones,...
This refers to an ancient and very common game known by dozens of other names (jacks, fivestones, knucklebones, hucklebones; pentalithia in classical Rome), though the name dibs is recorded only from the early part of the eighteenth century. Here’s a late reference from Thomas Hardy’s Ju...
her tummy and UT problems). As I was pondering how to accomplish all that yesterday, I sat at the table in the dining room, all the better to both write and keep my eye on Willie and Maggie. They needed watching because they were outside, gnawing on raw bison knucklebones in the ...
Cut throat is a billiards game for three people. Cut throat is often played for fun rather than as a skill game. Each player has five balls. Player one has numbers one through five, player two has numbers six through ten and player three has numbers eleven through fifteen. The object of...
This game is also known by a wide variety of other names, including pigs in the pen, five stones, five finger, knucklebones, eggs in the basket, cincos marias, abhadho, and so forth. The appeal of jacks in the eyes of many people is that it requires no special equipment, and child...
What is the Game of Knucklebones? What is a Jig? Discussion Comments ByLogicfest— On Jun 30, 2014 @Vincenzo -- right you are, and a local Highland Games is an incredible event to see if you like watching manly competition (assuming the presence of kilts doesn't kill the manly vibe ...
clockwise from the left pocket closest to the shooter. The caller can only call the 2-5. After all six balls are made and the diamond is broken, the caller can call the 1 or 6 as the first shot(as a bank only), not touching the diamond, in the next rotation. This is a game fo...