It was the program of Jezebel, in the 9th century BCE, to introduce into Israel's capital city of Samaria her Phoenician worship of Baal as opposed to the worship of Yahweh that made the name anathema to the Israelites. What is God's real name? The real name of God is YHWH, the fou...
I ask you, when have you ever heard a message offering immortality as part of the gospel presentation? It is almost never done, because today most people falsely assume the soul is already immortal. Yet, immortality through Jesus (Yeshua) alone is what the Jewish Apostle Paul preached:He (...
alone, north of Israel up in the region of Tyre and Sidon which is most famous for being the birthplace of the infamous Jezebel, whose spirit, I hear, is responsible every time a woman gets uppity and allows a man to hear her teach. So, just be warned, guys, I...