JCT contracts are available to purchase by anyone wishing to enter into a building contract with another party and are generally made between an ‘employer’ and a ‘contractor’. Each contract sets out the responsibilities and obligations of all the parties involved, so it is easy to see what...
JCTnew building contract formsThis paper is based on a lecture (of the same title) given by the author to attendees of the Royal Institution of Chartered Surveyors (RICS) Spring 2007 Building Surveyors Annual Briefing. It also contains a new section summarising some of the changes in the ...
It is not necessary that every term is agreed for example a building contract could be let using a bill of quantities based on approximate quantities. However, there must be general agreement as to the terms of the contract. 5. Consideration Under English law consideration may be defined as ...
Sections for use with the NEC Engineering and Construction Contract are included in NBS Building Standard library. Sections for the Engineering and Construction Short contract are available in NBS Building Minor Works library, NBS Landscape and NBS Scheduler. Project Management sections for these contrac...
THE ANSWER: In the intricate world of construction contracts, the termination of a contract is a pivotal yet complex manoeuvre. It's often viewed as a last resort. The decision to terminate, while necessary under certain circumstances, brings a multitude of legal, financial and practical ...