What is a dojo? A dōjō (道場, Japanese pronunciation: [doꜜː(d)ʑoː]) isa hall or place for immersive learning or meditation. ... This is traditionally in the field of martial arts, but has been seen increasingly in other fields, such as meditation and software development. ...
Awesome application, I'm missing the really basics from aikido, thinking you should add a module with all footwork movement names, and warmups in a way to learn Japanese and the basics before 5th kyu. Other than that awesome from 5th kyu onwards. Marcelo, Auckland, New Zealand Imprescindible...
This post is about the basic pop-up that come as default with GlotDojo. The advanced pop-up that comes with Premium Chinese/Japanese Add-on will be explained separately here (for Chinese) and here (for Japanese). Pop-up breakdown To open pop-up, you will need to look up words first....
Aikido is a Japanese martial art created by Morihei Ueshiba O'Sensei. It is a combination of his intense study of martial arts, philosophy & spiritual beliefs. Aikido is the Way of Spiritual Harmony. The founders aim was to offer an art that students could use to effectively defend ...
Judo as a Martial Art now includes Get Tough by W.E. Fairbairn and US Marine Corps Close Combat. The database of Judo Classes was updated with 30 more links for clubs in 108 countries around the world. May 2005 Pronunciation of Japanese Judo Terms was added to the FAQ. A new section ...
Kendo is the modern Japanese martial art of fencing based on the two-handed sword (katana) techniques of the samurai warriors.
I also need to find private servers for FF11, Ragnarök, and I've also downloaded a Japanese VPN, SoftEther to see if I can bypass TalesWeaver's Japanese server's region lock, kudos to a Facebook post pointing that out. These are entirely casual, so if I do find myself getting too...
Kata, a Japanese word meaning “form”, is a system of individual training incorporating highly practical combat techniques and notions that have been cultivated and polished for centuries. Ancient masters wouldn’t write down their fighting techniques or draw them on paper as it wasn’t convenient...
Aikido is a marshal art that was first developed in Japan. In this art, the tori, or defender, performs aikido techniques against an uke, or attacker. Most students who wish to learn aikido techniques will practice in a dojo. Dojo is the Japanese term that refers to an environment in ...
Koryu are the old martial arts of Japan, a body of knowledge which is passed from teacher to students.