Had an impulse to run away. An impulse of regret that made me hesitate. Bought a hat on impulse. Pulse A single beat or throb. Impulse A motivating force or tendency "Respect for the liberty of others is not a natural impulse in most men" (Bertrand Russell). Pulse A brief sudden chan...
“Subordinate clause” is the name you’re more likely to have learned in school, but the other name, “dependent clause,” may help you better understand what they do because adding that subordinating conjunction to the head of the clause makes itdependenton a main clause. A dependent clause...
Someone with harm OCD may find themselvesreplaying past experiencesover and over in their mind—known as mental reviewing. This is an attempt to “prove” they never had acted on a harmful thought or impulse in the past, which can feel like a way to protect themselves from acting on one i...
A flash sale is when a product or service is discounted from its original rate for a short term. The goal of a flash sale is to increase impulse buys and drive sales. Is it a good idea to have a flash sale? Flash sales are good for many reasons. They: ...
What is a stressor?Question:What is a stressor?Stress:Stress is a feeling that results when the demands that are being placed on us seem overwhelming. A small amount of stress can be motivational and positive, but when the amount of stress exceeds the person?s ability to deal with it effe...
Impulse control disorder is a classification of mental illness that contains a number of different diagnoses. Through this lesson, you will learn what defines impulse control disorders and how the various impairments can be treated. Defining Impulse Control Disorders ...
In this McKinsey Explainer, we look into what agile methodology is all about, and how organizations can harness this unique system to achieve real results.
Productized services are a popular alternative to the traditional service business model as they tend to be more profitable and easier to operate. This post explains the benefits of productized services, provides some examples of what a productized service is, and gives you step-by-step instructi...
UNIT13 What Is "American”About the USA? 是什么让美国独一无二,成为地球上一个特别的地方? What makes the USA unique, a special place on earth? 首先,这是“西方”最极端的例子。 For one thing, it is the most extreme example of what it means to be "Western." 在主要西方...
asystem (AOI) kicks in to match the output impedance of the integral amplifier to the frequency-dependent impedance of the drivers. This intelligent damping factor can't be achieved with passive networks but optimizes driver control, group delay and impulse response. The Compensated Phase Response...