A file format is the defined specification on how a file will be encoded for storage within the computer. Encoding is the transforming of data into a specific file format. Files must be encoded before they can be saved into a file storage device. This encoding process is necessary for a ...
HTM or HTML is short for Hypertext Markup Language. It’s a file format used for containing HTML language which constructs a web page. This file format is based on markup codes intended to be used in Web Browsers. HTM contains formatted text, images, and other elements in a way that can...
Common HTML Filenames index.html- The main, or index, HTML file that's loaded when a client web browser requests a web server directory. For example, whenhttp://www.sampledomain.com/is requested, the web server loadshttp://www.sampledomain.com/index.htmlby default, unless it is configur...
What is an HTM file? An HTM file is awebpagewritten using Hypertext Markup Language (HTML). It containstagsand text that define the webpage's layout and content. HTM files are the same as.HTMLfiles. More Information HTM file open in Microsoft Visual Studio Code ...
Comma Separated Values .csv text/csv A text file format that uses commas as a delimiter between values. HyperText Markup Language .html .htm text/html HTML is a standard markup language used to structure web pages and content. MHTML .mhtml .mht message/rfc822 @application/x-mimearchive ...
A file extension comes after the period in a filename and is typically made up of three or fouralphanumericcharacters that identify the file's format. For example, in a file namedtestfile1.txt, the extension istxt, which indicates that the underlying file is a plain text document. However...
EPS or Encapsulated PostScript is a standard graphics file format for exchanging images, drawings (such as a logo or map), or even layouts of complete pages. An EPS file internally contains a description of such an object or layout using the PostScript page description language. It can ...
What is file in HTML? An HTML file isa text file containing small markup tags. The markup tags tell the Web browser how to display the page. An HTML file must have an htm or html file extension. An HTML file can be created using a simple text editor. ...
is the structure of a file that tells a program how to display its contents. For example, a Microsoft Word document saved in the .DOC file format is best viewed in Microsoft Word. Even if another program can open the file, it may not have all the features needed to display the document...
JSON objects can also be nested to represent the structure of the data. Given below is an example of a JSON object. JSON Format Example {"name":"Jack","age":30,"contactNumbers":[{"type":"Home","number":"123 123-123"},{"type":"Office","number":"321 321-321"}],"spouse":null...