Heterogeneous groupingis when a diverse group of students is put in the samecooperative learning group. This mixed group may consist of students of varying ages, educational levels, interests, special needs, etc. Students are of approximately the same age but function on different academic...
Implementation of alternatives to ability grouping include more than the regrouping of students from homogeneous to heterogeneous groups. Rather, what is needed is whole-school reform, requiring educators to investigate and adapt a variety of new approaches to curriculum and instruction in the classroom...
But, what happens when students participate in role plays in science? In this report it is suggested that simulation-role-play may allow students to demonstrate their understanding, explore their views and develop deeper understanding of phenomena. A strategy for using analogical analysis in ...
The purpose of this study is to characterize mechanisms by which electronic discourse can be best integrated into a classroom environment and supported by classroom discourse. Sixth grade students participating in an inquiry-rich science program called Kids as Global Scientists (KGS) studied weather phe...
Database schemas serve as a foundation for enterprises that are highly data-driven. A simple example is shown visually in the image below. This is an example of a database at a university where the schema would represent the structure of the university database, outlining tables for Students,...
Sentiment analysis is one of the great accomplishments of the last decade in the field of Language Technologies. In this paper, we explore mining collective sentiment from forum posts in a Massive Open Online Course (MOOC) in order to monitor students’ trending opinions towards the course and ...
However, there is little information in the literature regarding the acquisition of this stereotype. Thus, this stereotype may inevitably affect children's interests because female students who believe that being successful in areas such as mathematics and science is a male characteristic may develop ...
positive effect on the health, social, economic and research activity of a region, but this literature tended to be heterogeneous in focus without consideration of the inter-connections between the wider societal and economic impacts arising from long-term sustainable change being brought to a region...
However historically within health research, research priorities have often been set without the explicit inclusion of patients or the public [6, 7]. Heterogeneous approaches to research priority setting and “suboptimal” reporting have sometimes led to a lack of transparency including specifying who ...
Collaborative learning is an umbrella term used to refer to a variety of educational approaches involving a joint intellectual effort by either students or both students and teachers together. Usually, this joint intellectual effort involves students working together in groups of two or more people, ...