For a portion of the cohort (four patients) later in the series, we used a novel technique for anterior acetabular wall reconstruction using the concave cartilaginous surface of a proximal fibula allograft; the others received either a long bone (humerus or femur) or hemipelvis graft. Seven ...
Which structure is not part of the carotid sheath in the anterior neck? a. Internal carotid artery b. Phrenic Nerve c. Vagus Nerve d. Deep Jugular Vein 1. Vessel into which veins of the abdomen, pelvis and lower limbs enter 2. A vein that drains the head and associated s...
pelvisHydatidosis is an anthropozoonosis mainly encountered in pastoral areas. It mostly affects the liver, lung, and rarely the bone and the soft tissues. Skeletal involvement is usually secondary to visceral hydatidosis. We report a case of a 49‐year‐old man presenting with one‐year history...
The main function of the cardiovascular system is to transport and deliver oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, nutrients and remove waste from every part of the body. The heart is the major muscle of the system that is the pumping mechanism and is suppo...
Are the chances high for someone to die from this ..? because my aunt is in the hospital right now in a coma that doctors made happen by medicine and she's on life support. my mom says she has a 50/50 chance of living, but she doesn't know that much .. ...
Hemipelvic Amputation. ... Toe Amputation. ... Partial Foot Amputation. ... Disarticulation. What makes up the Talocrural joint? The ankle joint (or talocrural joint) is a synovial joint located in the lower limb. It is formed bythe bones of the leg (tibia and fibula) and the foot ...
A hydroceleis usually a soft, painless, fluctuant, fluid-filled mass thattransilluminates when you shine a flashlight behind the testicle.Occasionally, it may be tense. Commonly, hydroceles are anteriorto the testicle, but large ones may surround it, occupying thecomplete hemiscrotum.6 They oc...
Whole-body planar imaging (15–20 min) combined with hemi-body (2 bed positions) SPECT/CT (40 min) leads to a total acquisition time of approximately 75 min. This is a high burden for both the patient and the nuclear medicine department. To assess the possibilities for protocol simplificati...
To aid in describing location as well as developing a broad approach to categorizing differential diagnoses, the gastrointestinal (GI) tract is commonly subdivided into three categories based on embryological development: foregut, midgut, and hindgut [1]. The foregut extends from the oral cavity to ...
1 It is a dysontogenetic neoplasm arising from the embryonic mesenchyme; it is based in the pleura, the pulmonary parenchyma, or both, hence the origin of its name.1-3 PPB is categorized into 3 different types, each representing a transition in the pathology as well as a decline i...