在我看来我们的指挥官nate,在自传中反复追问的是同一个问题,what is the legacy?what is the legacy?nate身上最深重的矛盾是他古典主义风格的个人追求,和后现代无意义的现实的冲突。他所接受的古典主义教育影响深重,全文多处引用我们熟悉的希腊人和罗马人(甚至都不超过这个范畴,我说古典世界也不是只有希腊和罗马吧...
The term pagan has various meanings, but essentially, it refers to people who follow a polytheistic belief system and those who do not conform to what is known as a traditional religion. While some feel the term is derogatory based on the connection to the definition of a heathen, this word...
1. What is a Rune? 2. The Fourfold 3. The Ninefold 4. The Gifts of Odin & His Brothers 5. The Stones Cry Out: Cave Art & the Origin of the Human Spirit 6. Ásatrú & the Political 7. Are We Free? 8. Heidegger: An Introduction for Anti-Modernists ...
aLucy was good-looking,rich and intelligent,so all the girls envied her Lucy是悦目,富有和聪明的,因此所有女孩嫉妒她[translate] aheathen 异教徒[translate] awirkjng baby wirkjng婴孩[translate] aFamily entire luck 家庭整个运气[translate] aThe machine is low water level automatic water, high water...
Whereas a heathen, in historical contexts, referred to people outside the Abrahamic faiths, particularly before the spread of Christianity in Europe, implying a lack of adherence to the Christian faith rather than a denial of all deities. 5 The term atheist is used in a broad sense to ...
“Why, it's an absolute shame that one of Shakespeare's plays should be thus turned into amockery.” Noun ▲ A person or thing that is the object of ridicule or criticism “This action makes amockeryof the government's plans.”
“Is life so dear or peace so sweet as to be purchased at the price of chains and slavery forged by some cruel andgodlesstyrant?” Adjective ▲ Of, or related to, the devil or demons “Thegodlessdemon-led armies close in to destroy them completely from the face of the earth.” ...
a基督教传入后,为同化异教,就把原有的万圣节(AllSaints'Day或AllHallows)改在同一日,就是十一月一日,而十月三十一日就变成万圣节前夕(Halloween)。 After Christianity spreads, is the assimilation heathenism, (AllSaints'Day or AllHallows) changes original Halloween in the identical date, is on November...
To pick out and bring together from among what is of less value; to collect, as a harvest; to harvest; to cull; to pick off; to pluck. A rose just gathered from the stalk. Do men gather grapes of thorns, or figs of thistles? Gather us from among the heathen. Gather To accumulate...
Voluminous historical evidence indicates that, in the mind of the average colonist, the African was a heathen, he was black, and he was different in crucial philosophical ways. As time progressed, he was also increasingly captive, adding to the conception of deviance. The African, therefore, ...