Once children learn the science behind the systems of the body, they can translate that knowledge into better choices for their mental and physical wellbeing. Health literacy is knowledge to last a lifetime! Check out our blogs and activities to lean more. The Importance of Health Literacy in...
What is Health Literacy?
Health literacy is key in promoting healthy communities. Unfortunately, very few U.S. adults have a high level of health literacy. This may not seem like a big deal, but the inability to understand health information creates problems for patients as well as healthcare professionals. Healthcare ...
Donna Ricketts is a health educator with 15 years of professional experience designing health and wellness programs for adults and children. Health literacy can affect one's ability to understand medical terminology and make informed medical decisions. Look into the definition of health literacy and ex...
Taylor & Francis Online :: Health Literacy: What Is It? - Journal of Health Communication - Volume 15, Issue sup2 The concept of health literacy evolved from a history of defining, redefining, and quantifying the functional literacy needs of the adult population. Along... ND Berkman,TC ...
An adequate level of health literacy (LHL) can help young people/students make better decisions about their own health, based on the capacity to obtain, process and understand basic health in- formation and act appropriately. Furthermore, social behaviors influence the prevalence of sexually transmit...
Health literacy: what the issue is, what is happening, and what can be done.BeccahCaliforniaRothschildCaliforniaSageHealth Promotion PracticeRothschild B. Health literacy : what the issue is, what is happen- ing ,and what can be done[ J]. Health Promotion Practice,2005, 6(2):8-11....
Limited health literacy is recognized as contributing to racial/ethnic and other health disparities through mechanisms of poor understanding and adherence, as well as to limited access to health care. Recent studies have focused on interventions to address literacy gaps between patients and health care...
Personal health literacy is intertwined with organizational health literacy because one cannot exist without the other. Because the onus is not on the patient to achieve high personal health literacy, organizational health literacy is essential. Some data shows that nearlya third of adu...
Although health literacy is widely discussed and many heterogeneous conceptualizations exist, people with intellectual disabilities have remained largely unconsidered. The purpose of this conceptual paper is to analyze the particularities of this target group and discuss and consider implications that arise wh...