What is “health inequity”?Across the country, government and health leaders have been declaring racism a public health crisis. But what does that mean? Bukata Hayes, chief equity officer at Blue Cross Blue Shield, discusses health inequity.Oct 24, 2024...
crisis what crisis的中文意思是 "危机,什么危机"。这个短语常常用于轻描淡写或忽视危机的严重性。它传达出缺乏关注或紧迫感的态度,暗示危机并不像一开始看起来那么严重。然而,需要注意的是,这个短语通常是一种讽刺或嘲笑的说法,不适用于真实的危机或严重的问题。在面对危机时,我们应该以认真对待和...
it is given a use or an effect.例句:In the summer months a different set of climatic factors come into play.All the resources and staff available were brought into play to cope with the crisis.inclination
crisis what crisis是危机,什么危机的意思。危机是指个体面临突然或重大负性生活事件如至亲死亡婚姻破裂或自然灾害时,在一段时间内以个人的资源和应对机制无法解决,导致个体出现的心理失衡状态。一般来说,定义为危机需要满足以下三个标准:1、突然发生:危机通常是在没有预兆的情况下突然发生,具有不可预...
midlife crisis. This is a psychological crisis that occurs when men or women get older, usually around 40, 50, 60. It’s different for different people. And not everybody goes through a midlife crisis. It’s not a disease, but you can consider it aphenomenon. And it can be pretty ...
What NHS Crisis? Most Health Trusts Are Not in Deficit, Claims Patricia Hewitt, and Waiting Lists Will Have Disappeared by 2008
WHAT: Youth Mental Health First Aid (青少年心理健康急救) is an 8-hour course that teaches those who take part in the course about young people’s common mental health. SUBJECTS: How to help young people actively experiencing a mental health crisis (危机) ...
A mental health crisis intervention is the process of helping someone who is experiencing a mental health crisis to become...
Got a question about sex that you're too embarrassed to ask? In the online sex misinformation crisis, getting accurate and reliable answers about sex is more difficult than ever before. Mashable is here to answer all your burning sex questions — from the weird and wonderful, to the graphic...
"Amental health crisisis about much more than theemergency situationwhere the person has to go to the hospital for a week of acute care," she said. "It's about all the structural, social and interpersonal factors that come into play before, during and after the crisis." ...