Using Message Queuing COM Components in Visual C++ and C Opening Local Queues Visual Basic Code Example: Retrieving MSMQQueueInfo.Authenticate MSMQ Glossary: M IFileOpenDialog Notifications Notifications Toolbar Controls MSMQQueueInfo.IsWorldReadable2 Visual Basic Code Example: Sending a Message Using a...
AContent-Lengthheader is a number that indicates the size of the data in the body of the request or response in bytes. The HTTP body begins immediately after the first blank line, after the initial line and headers. The actual length of the content sent over the network may differ from ...
What is a 4K Computer Monitor What is a Smartphone What is SSD vs HDD What is an All-in-One Computer What is an Ergonomic Keyboard What is Android What is Apple TV What is Cloud Computing What is DDR4 RAM What is IPS What is Java What is linux What is LTE-A What is Microsoft Sh...
Using the Set-Cookie HTTP header, set the HttpOnly attribute to prevent client-side scripts from accessing cookies. As a result, XSS attacks and other threats involving JavaScript in the browser cannot occur. Aside from specifying Secure and SameSite, you can also increase security by specifying ...
Script injection may occur on websites that do not properly validate user input. Malicious scripts are usually written in JavaScript, Java, VBScript, ActiveX, or Flash. When a user accesses a website, the malicious script is loaded to the browser and executed. ...
2023-02-28-preview capabilities are currently only available in the following regions: West Europe West US2 East USCustom classification model is a new capability within Document Intelligence starting with the 2023-02-28-preview API. Query fields capabilities added to the General Document model, use...
When a client sends a request to the server, it can specify the format it prefers for the response data, such as JSON, XML, or HTML. This is done through the 'Accept' header in the HTTP request. If the server can't provide data in any of the requested formats, it returns a 406 ...
Intelligent routing (routing based on the header or payload content) API backend The API backend is the name often used for the software that translates the API call into action(s). It could be an integration technology such as an Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), a database, another cloud ser...
Desktop- A desktop is is an audience specific view of portal components. It contains the portal header, footer, and body. The body contains the bulk of the portal content: books, pages, portlets, and look and feel elements. A portal can support one or more desktops. After a portal admini...
This is a simplistic measure that can be used to reduce the latency involved with requesting web resources from a website. The caching methodology is based on the HTTP header directives provided by the HTTP response from the origin servers to the browser. The HTTP cache headers provide the ...