A happy ending masseuse very different from a massage therapist Firstly, you really shouldn’t confuse the two – a massage and a happy ending massage. A massage is just that, a trained specialist or a professional massage therapist who knows how to relax your muscles with just the right amo...
The “New Age” concept of Tantra has been dying in the last years. “What is Tantra?” has also been a question ranking high in our phone conversation subjects. The concept of erotic Tantra is also unclear to thousands of men from all countries. We will try our best to cast some ligh...
In slang, a FBSM is also known as a happy ending massage or rub and tug. An FBSM may also involve massaging other private parts in an erotic manner. Legal, professional massages do not involve the erotic stimulation of body parts. The phrase and abbreviation have been recorded in print ...
I Went on a Naked First Date I Finally Had My Dream MMF Threesome I Hate-Fucked My Bartender I Was the Caboose in a Dick-Sucking Train A Guy Wore My Underwear During Sex 25 Tips and Tricks on How to Get Wet During Sex Behold: The Straightest Gay Blow Job Ever Given...
Despite overwhelming scientific evidence to the contrary, it is still sadly routine for back pain to be seen as a “mechanical” problem, as if the spine is a fragile structure which breaks down.4 There is some truth in that old way of looking at it, but there are many other factors in...
Honestly, I struggled to find a downside. If I had to nitpick, it's that some people might fall into the trap of not completing the course. But that's more about personal discipline than the system itself. Final Verdict The OLSP System is hands down one of the best affiliate marketing...
It’s been a long time since this was a part of my life. It is amazing how quickly the phase passes. I am a teacher, so when I tucked my child in and read a story or two, I’d turn out the lights and fall asleep right there on the spot (unless I didn’t work the next da...
Tip: If you sit/work at a computer, try to maintain good posture.When I first get up in the morning, all is good, abdominally speaking. When I stand and walk around, the same is true. Sitting too long is what can be a problem. Not a huge problem, but rather a reminder.So in ...
I like how the thread (in part) went from comparing a non comp M8 to a comp M8 to seats where either way there are not massaging options. I have had the F90 and now the M8 CE and while I never used the M5 massaging option I do feel the M8 seat is just a bit more sporty and...
The shampoo we use is by KELCO (Coco tar for dry skin).Perhaps a visit to the vet is in order (to rule out mange) but if anyone knows what this is, please share your knowledge!UPDATE – May 2016 This here is a really really old blog post but as I am still receiving so many ...