GTIN, or a Global Trade Item Number, is an internationally recognized system for identifying products. Learn all about how they're used with products.
What is a GTIN-13 code? The Global Trade Item Number (GTIN) or EAN-13 is a 13-digit code that identifies product units destined for a point of sale. It allows an item to be quickly recognized in a unique, global, and unambiguous way at a point in the logistics chain and thus to ...
What do I need a GTIN for? How is a GTIN structured and what is the link to a GLN? Is there a connection between the barcode of a product and its GTIN? Can the GTIN be used to identify the associated company? Which requirements are needed to be able to use a GTIN? Do you have...
GTIN-12 (UPC-A) has 12 digits and is used in North America, almost the same as UPC for a product; GTIN-13 (EAN/UCC-13) has 13 digits and is used in Europe, Japan, and everywhere else except North America. The ISBN code for books is also in this format; GTIN-14 (EAN/UCC-14...
What is a Universal Product Code (UPC) and How Does it Work? A Universal Product Code is a unique code consisting of a series of black lines and spaces that encode numerical data. This numerical data is known as the Global Trade Item Number (GTIN). When scanned at the point of sale,...
The UPC is the series of black lines, and the GTIN is the numerical printed underneath. Together, they provide near-instant product information when used with a point-of-sale (POS) system or other software with scanning functionality.The 12-digit GTIN comprises three sections of numbers, each...
A GTIN (Global Trade Item Number) and a UPC form a complete barcode. The UPC is the series of black lines, and the GTIN is the numerical printed underneath. Together, they provide near-instant product information when used with a point-of-sale (POS) system or other software with scanning...
What is GDPR? What is HIPAA Website Compliance? What is ADA Compliance? What is PCI Compliance? What is a PO (Purchase Order) System? What is an RMA system? What are email open rate and click-through rate? What are GTIN, SKU, and EAN?
The GTIN-14 is often referred to as a UPC (Universal Product Code). Recognised globally and primarily used to identify trade groupings of products like packs or cases, it is not intended for point-of-sale. Components of a GTIN Consisting of three separate components the GTIN number works wi...
A UPC is part of the GTIN family, but it is a 12-digit barcode that is specific to the North American market used to identify most products. UPC条形码,12位数字 The rest of the world uses 13-digit EAN barcodes to identify products. EAN条形码,13位数字 However, both types of numbers...