The good thing is, wooly aphids are harmless unless you are a plant. They can do some major damage to plant leaves and leave ugly waxy blobs on them too. Here are some easy ways to get rid of wooly aphids in case you start noticing fuzzy-looking blobs on the plants and trees in you...
The soot is good facepaint if you need it. I have also added a fresnell lens - flat and a great fire starter if the sun is out. I also have an individualy wrapped mossie repellent "Deet" pad. PS: Dont understand the many lockpicks. Most doors will yield to a good k...
William Bramley is effective as the boy’s no-nonsense, hard-working mechanic father. Dick York spends a good deal of the episode smooching the gorgeous Ms. Montgomery, and who can blame him? Bonanza A couple of rock-solid episodes from the “Candy” era of this ...