Firstly, an excellent person possesses a strong moral compass. Integrity, honesty, and a steadfast commitment to ethical principles form the bedrock of their character. They act with conscience, making decisions that align with their values and the greater good. This moral fiber guides their interac...
The seventh line of the sonnet takes a turn towards the spiritual, "And in this thought they find a kind of ease." The speaker is saying that in the thought of Adonis and his counterfeit, there is a sense of ease. This line is a reminder that art and memory have the power to bring...
even if you don’t necessarily agree with all that’s being shared. Encourage others to express their points of view and be authentic with an observation like, “The fact that you and I may disagree on a topic is a good thing,” and share why. ...
Religion is doing what you are told, no matter what is right. — H. L. Mencken 110 Islam doesn't promote violence or peace. Islam is just a religion, and like every religion in the world, it depends on what you bring to it. If you're a violent person, your Islam, your Judaism...
Mencius inherited the belief in the inherent goodness of human nature from Confucius. This concept, known as 性善論 (Xing Shan Lun), posits that humans are born with an innate moral compass and a natural inclination towards good. This belief forms the foundation of Confucian ethics, emphasizing...
The Moral Compass of Counterintelligence: What Do We Owe It?O'Connor, Corey J.American Intelligence Journal
Moral Compass Essay There is no such thing as “absolute good” but “good for”. Whenever I meet my defining moment, I think about the question, “Whose good should I be serving?” I am not saying to evaluate whose interests are more valuable, but to evaluate whose interests are more ...
Rooting around in my bag, my sketchbook fell open to the very first page. I was surprised by the notes I found there. I’d forgotten a conversation Kerri and I had months ago about the difference between being-at-peace and keeping-the-peace. This is a bit of my note:All my life ...
In this unpredictable ethical "gray areas", we can use what the moral compass to guide the direction of it? There is no absolute right or wrong; in the field of ethics, which is understandable, acceptable behavior, people has formed a variety of different levels of consensus. Researchers and...
This is a cognitive stage and requires the fraudster to be able to justify the crime in a way that is acceptable to his or her internal moral compass. Most fraudsters are first-time criminals and do not see themselves as criminals, but rather a victim of circumstance. Rationalisations are...