Basically, the song is about a guy who is at the age of 23. At 23, you are expected to be an adult in order to survive generally and mainly socially. This guy doesn't want to act adult and wants to stay as a typical 'adolescent' e.g. by making prank phone calls and he would...
If there’s one good thing to come out of my TikTok addiction, it’s that I have a pretty excellent grasp of what’s trending on TikTok right now (and any given time). The truth is, the best way to identify TikTok trends is to spend a lot of time on the app… but if you’re...
Darlingsideis easily one of my favorite bands, and yet I hardly ever get to see them live. I was so excited when I saw that they were coming back to Maine to play atOne Longfellow SquarewithCaitlin Cantyand a new-to-me group,Rusty Belle.I saw Caitlin perform a song with Jeffrey Fouca...
It can be permutated from doraemon is just a terrible coincidence >_< → Reply » » LetsSoundGood 10 years ago, # ^ | ← Rev. 2 0 Maybe she is a true fan of Aerosmith famous song called 'Dream on', and by noticing how the singer sings this expression, it would be sth ...