What is a good interest rate on a car? The best interest rate on a car loan is the lowest one you can get, but watch out for fees that will drive up your cost. With a lower interest rate, you’ll save on the total cost of the car loan and pay lower monthly payments. ...
if you can handle the financial obligation. However, the best interest rate is always 0%. If you have agood credit scoreand haven't applied for too many credit products over the last year, check out0% APR credit cardsto finance your next major purchase rather than applying for a loan. ...
When you take out a personal loan, you have to pay interest. As a result, it's in your best interest to get the best personal loan interest rate possible. At this point, you might be wondering "What is a good interest rate for a personal loan?" Or at least, "What is the average...
A good personal loan interest rate is one that's at or below the national average, but getting a good APR on a personal loan depends on your credit score and debt-to-income ratio, among other factors.
A 2.5% fixed-rate loan is better then a 2.5% variable-rate loan. The security of knowing the interest rate will never go up is valuable. This is especially true for long-term loans. If you are going to repay your loans quickly, it might make sense to opt for the lowest possible vari...
What is the effective annual interest rate for a 1-year $100 million loan with a stated interest rate of 8%, if the lending bank requires a non-interest bearing compensating balance in the amount of $5 million?A. 7.62% B. 8.00% C. 8.42% D. 13.00% 正确答案:C 分享到: 答案解析: ...
8% is the stated rate of interest. The effective annual interest rate on a loan with a compensating balance when no interest is received on the compensating balance is the annual interest due divided by the net funds the borrower will have available to use. That will be a different rate ...
What is a Good Interest Rate on a Credit Card? What is Compound Interest? What is a Subprime Loan? What is a Monthly Statement? Discussion Comments Byanon245101— On Feb 04, 2012 Interest is the root cause of the financial crisis. Money just evaporates. Think about it. ...
An interest rate floor is an agreed-upon rate in the lower range of rates associated with a floating rate loan product.
For loans, the interest rate is applied to the principal, which is the amount of the loan. The interest rate is thecost of debtfor the borrower and the rate of return for the lender. The money to be repaid is usually more than the borrowed amount since lenders require compensation for ...