Credit rating is expressed as a letter grade and conveys the creditworthiness of a business. Learn about what a credit rating is, how to build it, and more.
FitchResearch is a financial research firm. Among other services, Fitch generates credit ratings - called "Issuer Default Ratings" - for a range of business sectors. An "issuer" may be a financial or nonfinancial corporation, a sovereign company or an insurance company. A "Default Rating" is ...
2 Scanning and Sensemaking Despite the important role of organizational processes and behavior (OB) to this book, we have to come clean from the start with a basic truth: Even good OB won't save bad strategy. The links between the two are so strong that the converse is true: A great...
What Is New Zealand’s Credit Rating? The government of New Zealand has never defaulted on its debt and it has never paid interest or capital redemptions late. This is one of the reasons that the country has a very good long-term credit rating. The assessments of the three major credit ...
These agencies, alongside John Moody's, would eventually become Standards & Poors (S&P), Moody's and Fitch Group. The goal of these credit rating providers is to remove subjectivity and point-in-time assessment of credit risk by providing an independent, objective and quantitative assessment of ...
A+ + Superior A – Excellent B+ + Good B – Fair C+ + Marginal C – Weak D None Poor Over time, companies can influence their rating grade. Suppose there is an update in debt obligations, company strategy, operations or other financial indicators highlighting the financial health of a ca...
aChina faces a “better than even chance” of a another downgrade to its local currency debt rating because of rising defaults and high inflation following a credit binge. In April, Fitch downgraded its outlook on China’s local currency rating 中国面对“更好比胜败各半跟随信用狂欢的”的另一降...
A good credit rating is key to getting approved for the best terms for financial products like mortgages or business loans, which can save you money in the long run. You can improve your credit rating in a number of ways, including reducing your debt load and ensuring you make all your p...
Abond ratingis a grade given to a bond and indicates its credit quality. The rating takes into consideration a bond issuer's financial strength or its ability to pay a bond's principal and interest in a timely fashion. There are three bond rating agencies in the United States that account ...
Government debt is often likened to personal debt to convey concern about its size but a family can't pay its debts in its currency as the U.S. government does. How the borrowed money is used may matter more than the absolute level of debt or its proportion to a country's GDP. Americ...