The God complex is a psychological illusion, and is exactly what the name suggests―a personality flaw in human beings, especially those with great power, who perceive themselves to be omniscient and omnipotent, and treat others as mere mortals. Although closely associated with the Narcissistic Pers...
Where they start:Macbeth is a brave and loyal general serving under King Duncan. The fatal flaw:His ambition. What went wrong:After learning (by way of prophecy) that he will one day be king, Macbeth is gripped by an urge to claim his crown sooner rather than later. He commits regicide...
PARABLE DEFINITION What is a parable in literature? A parable is a succinct and allegorical story, often featuring relatable characters or situations, that is designed to convey a moral, ethical, or spiritual lesson. Rooted in the Greek word 'parabole,' which means "comparison" or "analogy,"...
Anarchy is a situation in which a government either does not exist or has no authority or control over the people. The philosophy of anarchism suggests that societies can survive and thrive only when operating under alternatives to traditional government rule. While often misused in describing a st...
Below are a few. Frankenstein, by Mary Shelley (1818) The story unfolds through letters exchanged, as well as the personal accounts of Dr. Frankenstein and the monster he creates. Dracula, by Bram Stoker (1897) Stoker’s classic novel is presented in the form of letters, diary entries, ...
A metaphor is a figure of speech that compares two different things by stating that one is the other, highlighting similarities for emphasis or symbolism. The compared elements are not literally the same but are linked to create a deeper understanding or evoke imagery. Metaphors help convey abstra...
This quote is a tenet created by the pigs in George Orwell’s Animal Farm. This statement is a paradox because something cannot be more equal than another. That goes against the very definition of equal. Even if something could be considered "more equal," the two parts of the sentence con...
In 1995, building on earlier work by Bourgain, Wolff famously obtained (1) with using what is now known as the “Wolff hairbrush argument”, based on considering the size of a “hairbrush” – the union of all the tubes that pass through a single tube (the hairbrush “stem”) in ...
is the definition of when the “God Spark” connects to the core manifestation body (12 Tree Grid) which projects out the elemental physical manifest bodyThree Layers of Ego. As we know a major project of the AOAAurorais to “re-encrypt” the elemental structure of our bodies, as well ...
people can’t have dark sides because that would make them “unspiritual.” This type of spiritual bypass is essentially avoidance of one’sShadow Self(dark side) by overcompensating with the guise of a sweet and heavenly exterior. Themartyr complexis a major symptom of this type of ...