What is a GHG inventory? A greenhouse gas inventory is a type of sustainability reporting that offers a full account of all GHG emissions and removals from a company or entity over a given period of time. It compiles data on all of the primary greenhouse gases from both direct emissions (...
What is a GHG inventory? A greenhouse gas inventory is a type of sustainability reporting that offers a full account of all GHG emissions and removals from a company or entity over a given period of time. It compiles data on all of the primary greenhouse gases from both direct emissions (...
What is a greenhouse gas inventory?Greenhouse Gases:Greenhouse gases are chemicals found in the atmosphere in gaseous form that contribute to global warming and climate change. They do this by absorbing and blocking infrared radiation as it bounces off the surface of the Earth and tries to return...
down to an individual level that is available to us. These cookies are not passing personally identifiable information to any external third party other than in limited cases when we engage a service provider to act on our behalf but who is then unable to use the data for their own purposes...
What is a greenhouse gas inventory? What are global greenhouse gas emissions? What is the Greenhouse Gas (GHG) Protocol? Which greenhouse gas is produced by the raising of cattle? Which greenhouse gas is created by humans exclusively?
Scope 1 involves GHG emissions directly from an organization’s owned sources; scope 2 involves indirect GHG emissions; scope 3 emissions are caused by an organization’s value chain, but not owned by the organization. Reducing carbon emissions can occur all the way through the supply chain. ...
Scientific assessment of sustainable development strategies provides decision-makers with quantitative information about the strategies’ potential effect. This assessment is often done by forward-looking or prospective computer models of society’s...
Fully disaggregated emissions and removals in the GHG Inventory, broken down by Scope 1, 2 and 3 Identifying documentation for all contractual instruments used for carbon removal targets Project information regarding all purchased and issued certificates and the approache...
Waste-to-energy (WtE) is a vital part of a circular economy, a proven source of renewable energy that diverts waste from landfills.
It is an essential part of measuring and managing an organization'scarbon footprint-- the total GHG emissions released into the atmosphere because of human activities. Carbon accounting allows individuals and organizations to measure the environmental impact of carbon emissions from their various activiti...