Having a general-purpose computer allows the user to do whatever they want to do with it. However, because a general-purpose computer can do more than a special-purpose computer, it's more complex, more difficult to manufacture, and costs more....
A specialized computer is like a general-purpose computer but is designed only to perform one or a few different tasks. See our specialized computer for further information and examples of these computers.When discussing a computer or a "PC," you're usually referring to a desktop computer ...
What Is General-Purpose Scripting?Describes JavaScript, a general-purpose scripting language. Features and advantages of JavaScript; Purpose and characteristics of a scripting language; Implications of scripting language on computer language and environment.UdellJonByte.com...
No, I don't think we have my name is li Xiao, my name is Fred Smith. Jimmy practice medicine hi, miss Watson a pleasure to meet you. Jack she is from England. Yes, I think we have met before. It's good to see you again. That's right. Mister li. Mister Fred Miller. Our ma...
A personal computer is a general-purpose, cost-effective computer designed for individual use. Learn the full PC meaning here.
A personal computer (PC) is a microcomputer designed for use by one person at a time. Prior to the PC, computers were designed for -- and only affordable for -- companies that attached terminals for multiple users to a single largemainframecomputer whose resources were shared among all users...
What Is Computer Science(计算机英语)ComputerEnglish Unit1ComputerandComputerScienceSectionBWhatIsComputerScience Lead-in 1.Whoarethepioneersofthemoderndigitalcomputers?CharlesBabbageandAugustaAdaByron2.Whatdoesthedigitalcomputerconsistof? Fivedistinctelement:1)acentralprocessingunit,2)inputdevices...
systemsfound in smart appliances or supercomputers used for scientific research. These computers execute specific tasks and are usually not meant for the general public. For example, your car’s navigation system is powered by a computer, but it has a different purpose than your desktop computer ...
worked night and day for several weeks writing up a proposal that the Army accepted on April 12, 1943. The proposed machine would be called ENIAC, an acronym for Electronic Numerical Integrator and Computer. It was understood from the beginning that this would be a general-purpose computer. ...
Types of General Managers A GM may hold various titles. But, overall, their role is the same: to oversee general operations and manage high-level functions, such as finances, marketing, and staffing. In thec-suite, the chief executive officer (CEO) is considered the GM overseeing the entir...