2. In LOL (League of Legends), gank is where a jungler or roaming laner attacks a champion in a lane. This form of attack is designed to surprise the champion and hopefully kill them before they can reach safety.Computer slang, Game terms, Griefer, PK...
If the enemy laner is stronger, freezing minimizes your exposure to their aggression. A champion like Lux can use her range to safely farm while freezing the wave near her tower. To Set Up Ganks If your jungler wants to gank your lane, freezing makes it easier for them to approach withou...
Freezing the wave is the best option when you want to bait the enemy laner into a gank or if you’re planning to engage on a weaker enemy laner. Slow pushes are typically the best choice of action when planning a back or if you want to dive the enemy laner with your jungler. CSing...
What does GANK mean? GANK is an acronym, abbreviation or slang word that is explained above where the GANK definition is given. Other terms relating to 'steal': ·BEAKNose Insult To Steal ·BOOSTto steal ·D BOSteal ·DEBOSteal ·KSKill Steal ...
in mobas it is wise to practice smart team collaboration, keep track of cooldowns and watch out for ganks from opposing teams. it can also be beneficial to study up on different heroes/units so that you have a better understanding of their abilities in order to make optimal choices during...
Before Recalling: Set up a slow push before recalling to buy items, ensuring the wave is in a favorable position when you return to lane. This allows you to apply pressure immediately upon returning. Roaming and Ganking: Slow push the wave before leaving your lane to roam or gank other lan...
Trailblazer will give you 40 armor, 200 health, and five percent movement speed, but the real kicker lies with its unique passive ability called Lead the Way, which provides your team with a great way to zoom into a teamfight, escape from a gank, or chase down any fleeing foes as they...
If I understand everything correctly, then in Cyrodiil your goal is to capture all the keeps around the Imperial City, then the player with the most points gets crowned Emperor.
I love to roam so just call me over if you need me or think we can set up a gank Knowing when and how to roam is a skill Related Slang Categories Online GamingLeague of Legends Roam definition by Slang.net This page explains what the slang term "Roam" means. The definition, example...
·GANKSteal Gang kill (MMORPG) ·GKYGo Kill Yourself ·GNKGlitch No Kill (gaming) ·GWKGame Winning Kill ·IITYWIMIWHTKYIf I Tell You What It Means I Will Have to Kill You ·K33LKill ·KDAKills / Deaths / Assists ·KDRKill/Death Ratio ...