put a limit on knock off pare off more ❯ “Even if the grass is greener on the other side, somebody still has to cut it.” Verb ▲ To gather by cutting pick cull harvest pluck reap garner gather collect crop gather in take in mow glean strip bring in pull dig draw ingather har...
Leg cleansing is one pacification behavior that often goes unnoticed because it frequently occurs under a desk or table… Some individuals will do the “leg cleanser” only once, but often it is done repeatedly or the leg merely is massaged. This behavior involves a person (usually a male) p...
Flattened nose and furrowed tongue Mental retardation Heart deformities Broad and short hand Poor toning of the muscle with excessive flexibility Short neck, small head and abnormal teeth Longer time in developing linguistic abilities Mild or moderate cognitive impairment ...
fall. Fall flat and frightened from a world unkind and cruel to those whose disabilities they can see. It may steal my mask, so carefully cultivated, curated and conditioned to smile, to nod, to apologize, to consider everyone before it considers me. It may steal my furrowed brows, creasin...
He furrowed his brow slightly and waved a hand in a vaguely placating gesture. “Steady on mate, no need to go waving things at people. You’ll have someone’s bloody eye out with that.” He wiped the offending substance on the seat of his trousers. “I’m getting to the wyrm inn...
jim interjected. he frowned at his daughter, his brow furrowed under a lop of white hair. at 91, he wanted to remain in the woodsy minnesota cottage he and his wife had built on the shore of lake minnetonka, where she had died in his arms just a year before. his pontoon—which he...
“It’s because I am a queen, your majesty - in my own, metaphorical way,” Rouge laughed. “No one dares comment on my pants because there is no need to question the choices of such an obviously commanding, vivacious woman. I make it look like the ladies wearing skirts are the odd...
“LET THE GOATS REPRODUCE. THE LAST THING WE WOULD WANT IS TO DESTROY THEIR HERD COMPLETELY.” “Well, what bright ideas do you have?” He pointed to the birch forest on the other side of the savanna with his spear. “NUTS, BERRIES, PIGS. ALL WOULD MAKE A SUSTAINABLE SOURCE OF...
It was my turn to read so I focused my eyes on the page and opened my mouth to start speaking, but my voice came out as a siren. Dismayed and slightly worried that I was turning into some kind of fourth grader- fire truck hybrid, I furrowed my brow before looking up to see every...
“Sure baby, it’s just been a tough day.” as I squeezed and patted her hand. “Why was it so hard? Was it your job?” she asked peering up at me behind a furrowed brow. “Honey, I have been worried about you today.” I said as I gently tugged at her pigtails and explained...