There is a dearth of tools designed to inform people about what to expect from person-centred dental encounters and to guide them during the care process. This is why we propose the Montreal-Toulouse Wheel of patients' expectations for dental visits, which describes what people could expect duri...
Kindersley’s description is echoed word for word by Innes Munro, who was in India around the same time: “All the natives have such a genteel and delicate mien that, together with their dress, a stranger is apt to take them for women.”—Colonial Voices: The Discourses of Empire, Pramod...
There has been increasing demand for a reliable measurement method for social cohesion for scientific analysis, but due to the difficulty in multidimensional measurement, the search is in progress. In order to tackle the problem, the paper applies the Item Response Theory approach to measure social...
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I’m sorry to inform everybody, but our UA/UK tour is cancelled. This is a very difficult time to tour in Europe, with all the added security at the airports & holiday travel. Many flights are being randomly cancelled & rescheduled. It will be nearly impossible for us to keep our tour...
i am not sure if this close-up examination would refute the entire theory. you can always find a contradiction, or a different prespective, to gain a different conclusion. Not to say this work is not meaningful, it is. But it is not that much ...
Pogled na hrvatsku i rusku frazeologiju kroz prizmu roda Reverend Goro, who doubles as the Executive Director of Centre for Peace and Advancement in Nigeria (CEPAN), warned that if handled with kid's gloves, the current herdsmen/farmers' clashes were capable of igniting ethno-religious conflic...
Dhanraj, who worked for some time at a call centre while completing his degree course to fund his education, said: " My sister is my hero, the source of my inspiration." Both Prema and Dhanraj, who went to a Tamil medium municipal school, overcame difficult circumstances to achieve succes...
Vsak vnos na strani z rezultati iskalnika vključuje povezavo do spletnega mesta in kratek opis spletnega mesta. Verjetno boste obiskali eno od spletnih strani, ki so vam predlagane na prvi strani rezultatov iskanja. Kot večina drugih ljudi na svetu zaupate Googlu, da vam poka...