Return on investment is a metric that investors often use to evaluate the profitability of an investment or to compare returns across a number of investments. It is expressed as a percentage. ROI is limited in that it doesn't take into account the time frame, opportunity costs, or the effec...
A formula unit is the smallest ratio between atoms of different elements in this kind of structure that can be expressed as whole numbers. Ionic Compounds A simple example is sodium chloride, or common salt, a compound of the elements sodium and chlorine. A salt crystal consists of positively...
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Inventory is a necessary evil. After all, to keep customers happy, you need the right stock, at the right time. But how much inventory do you need? And more importantly, what’s your inventory cost in real terms? From the cost of purchasing the inventory in the first place to storing ...
What is Productivity? With this blog, boost your productivity by learning productivity meaning, how to measure it, tips to increase productivity, etc.
In simple terms, mutual funds are financial intermediaries created with the aim of skillfully managing the money acquired from all different sorts of investors. It is established as a trust, with a Sponsor, Trustees, Asset Management Company (AMC), and Custodian. The trust is created by one ...
For instance, to pull the value of A1 to another cell, you use this simple formula: =A1 To add up the values in cells A1 and A2, you use this one: =A1+A2 What is a range reference in Excel? In Microsoft Excel, a range is a block of two or more cells. Arange referenceis repr...
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A scale on a graph can have any unit as required to solve the problem.Solved Examples on ScaleExample 1. Find the scale factor when a square of side 4 cm is enlarged to make a square of side 8 cm.Solution: The formula for scale factor is:...
Perceptron is a simple model of a biological neuron used for supervised learning of binary classifiers. Learn about perceptron working, components, types and more.