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Andrea Pepper is an Apple SME MacAdmin with a problematic lack of impulse control around a software update prompt. When not poking at machines, Pepper enjoys being a silly goose in sunny Colorado with her two gigantic fluffer pups. Related articles...
Poor chickees. They have been living the life luxury these last few years in their pent house coop. State of the art design, high tech circulation, and plenty of natural light. Almost five years ago, the first round of flufferbottoms were given the boot from their plastic bucket in the ...
Maybe that is a good thing.What would be interesting and useful is if they embraced the ‘hyper local/neighborhood” segment. For example, I live in the LES and need a dog walker. Or in Chelsea and my laptop just crashed and I need a geek on the block to rebuild the hard drive. ...
NY Times Year In Pictures. Can you cry in space? Amazing data viz of WW2 deaths: celebrate sponging, the fluffer of creativity. Posted inUncategorized I recently read a quote from Renoir: ‘Your imagination will only supply you with a few leaves; but nature offers you millions, all on the...