A flea comb is a tool designed to remove fleas from pets. Generally, flea combs are designed for dogs and cats, but owners of other furry pets, such as ferrets or guinea pigs, also can use flea combs. Pet owners can use flea combs by themselves or in addition to other flea removal p...
The fine tooth comb, as used for the removal of lice eggs, is often sold separately as a lice comb. You can also find fine-toothed combs called flea combs for cats and dogs. Even after using a lice shampoo, nits or lice eggs tend to adhere to the hair shaft, and it’s important ...
, looking for evidence of fleas, flea dirt, and skin lesions. a flea comb may be used to check for flea dirt. since other skin diseases often mimic signs caused by flea allergy dermatitis in cats, additional diagnostics may be recommended, such as: skin impression —skin and hair are ...
This flea pictures page is designed to give pet owners a visual guide to common cat and dog fleas and answer the commonly-asked question: "what do fleas look like?" Everyone knows that they need to protect their cats and dogs against flea infestation, but not everyone knows what dog and ...
Inspect the comb for fleas and flea dirt. How to Help Prevent or Treat Fleas on Your Pet It’s easier to avoid a flea infestation before it starts than it is to treat one, so it’s important to help prevent fleas with preventive treatment. And it’s even more important, of course, ...
Dr Zak Img 1 Flea dirt is feces, appearing as dark red or black specks in a cat’s fur. Summary Flea dirt is the common name for flea poop. It’s the feces f
To determine if your pet has been infested with fleas, start by looking for flea dirt. Since fleas rely on the blood of hosts for survival, their feces contain digested blood. Run a fine-toothed flea comb through the fur of your dog to pick pieces of flea dirt or even adult fleas. ...
Flea Warning Signs: Cats The easiest way to find fleas on a cat is to use a flea comb (a special fine-toothed comb). Especially check the neck and around the base of the tail. You also can check the belly. You may see thefleas-- small dark spots that move -- or their droppings...
Grooming helps keep kittens’ skin and coat healthy and looking their best. You’ll need both a flea comb and a brush, though the type of brush you use depends on the texture and length of your kitten’s coat. Ask your veterinarian or groomer to recommend one that’s right for your ki...
Comb cuts make it easier to groom longhaired cats at home. Cats with comb cuts must see the groomer for a trim every 4–6 weeks. Does Pet Insurance Cover Professional Cat Grooming? It depends on the type of insurance plan your cat has. There are roughly two types of pet insurance plans...