Firebase Authentication and Firebase Hosting were launched in 2014 by Firebase, establishing the company as a leadingmobile backend as a service (MbaaS). Firebase became a part of Google in October 2014 and is now the Google BaaS platform. The technology giant then acquired Divshot, a web hostin...
Firebase platform: services review, its pros and cons, and alternatives you can use as backend-as-a-service
Firebaseis a leading backend option supported by Google and used to develop all types of mobile and web applications. Whether you want to create top-notch eCommerce applications, gaming apps, or business applications, you can do it with Firebase. This backend solution can also let you create a...
Firebase is a real-time object store. Itis not a SQL databaseand is not intended to be a replacement for one. It completely lacks mechanisms such as JOINs, WHERE query filters, foreign keys, and other tools relational databases all provide. Why is Firebase the best? Firebaseallow syncing th...
Google Firebase is a set of cloud-based development tools that helpsmobile appdevelopers build, deploy and scale their apps. What are the Google Firebase features? Firebase provides a variety of features, including the following: Authentication.Firebase provides a secure and easy way for users to ...
It’s not as hard to budget GCP expenses compared to AWS or Azure. However, it’s easy to fall into some of the same traps. If you are unfamiliar with GCP services, check out a Firebase Authentication tutorial the first couple of times you implement it. That way, you can identify some...
(Key FirebaseAppDelegateProxyEnabled is at the very bottom) <?xmlversion="1.0"encoding="UTF-8"?> <!DOCTYPEplistPUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" ""> <plistversion="1.0"> <dict> <key>CADisableMinimumFrameDurationOnPhone</key> <true/...
ReactJS is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces with features such as JSX, and virtual DOM for efficient updates and unidirectional data flow.
Google Analytics / Firebase UXCam(mobile only) Mixpanel Amplitude Adobe Analytics Contentsquare Best Qualitative UX analytics software UXCam(mobile only) Hotjar(website only) Sessioncam(website only) Mouseflow(website only) Read our in-depth review of thebest UX analytics toolshere. ...
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