If they have a firearm – or access to a roommate’s firearm – do whatever it takes to make sure you child does not have access to any weapon when they are in personal crisis. Do not assume they will voluntarily get the care they need. If your child is male, you can pretty much ...
Click here to instantly download this Complete Checklist PDF. No purchase necessary. ↓My EXACT Bug Out Bag BuildA Quality BagBefore you begin filling your bag, you need a bag, right?But using that discount duffel found in the back of your closet is NOT a good idea....
7. Survival FirearmFirst off, there is no such thing as one single “best” survival gun, and there’s a lot to think about and consider.Weight, ammo availability, accuracy, ruggedness, etc.Just ensure you have enough firepower to protect and defend yourself and your family....
The museum is also hosting a special tribute to Betsy James Wyeth, who passed away in April 2020 — a memorial display of 20 Andrew Wyeth works featuring his wife. All works are from the Andrew and Betsy Wyeth Collection, including quite a few that have never been exhibited before. This e...
were committed with the aid of a firearm. In 1983, guns were used in only 20.7 percent of the aggravated assaults, according the St. Louis Police Department. “I guess what it’s saying is that in 1993 the thing that is handy is a firearm,” a policed-department spokesman told theRFT...
The problem with elevating ‘personal freedom’ above the public good is that any attempt to require those freedom warriors to do their civic duty and wear a mask leads to some kind of confrontation, often with someone with a firearm. Trump’s diatribe at the end of night four was ...
Phase One: A Federal ban on the civilian purchase of any firearm. This means hand guns, assault rifles, shotguns, hunting rifles, target/sport firearms. Also BB guns and similar varmint-hunting guns such as pellet guns. Also banned are potato “spud” guns, rubber band guns and all NERF-...