A fairy (also fay, fae,fey, fair folk, or faerie) is a type of mythical being or legendary creature found in the folklore of multiple European cultures (including Celtic, Slavic, German, English, and French folklore), a form of spirit, often described as metaphysical, supernatural, or pret...
Assume the creature is willing and need not be pacified. If you can't generalize, an answer applicable to only some creature types (fiends, feyOther high level magic,devilsrare items,etc) isor similarly uncommon means are allacceptableanswers, as long as the requirements and limitations are cl...
One fey creature of challenge rating 2 or lower Two fey creatures of challenge rating 1 or lower The DM has the creatures' Statistics. Very recently I've discovered the DM is the one that chooses the creatures that appear. Per Sage Advice: When you cast a spell like conjure woodland b...
This creature keeps showing up. First, she was seen in the mirror, trying to coax the halfling Rubin to follow her. Then that brought up a vague memory that is tied to Willow's sense of loss. Dirlagruan says his cub, Star was seen with Sowpig (a name given to her by those that...
An imaginary creature meant to inspire fear in children A very large marine mammal Noun ▲ An imaginary creature meant to inspire fear in children bugbear hobgoblin troll demon gremlin fiend goblin bogeyman daemon ghoul gnome spectreUK specterUS ...
The main change is a Level 1 feature called Weapon Mastery, which allows Fighters to use secondary abilities for each weapon that not everyone can’t access – like ways to reduce a creature’s movement speed, knock them prone or push them away on a hit, taking the logic of 5E’s ...
Mitch at One of my 6 totems is werewolf. Ever since I was really young I had a fascination with them. After my parents divorced I dreamt I was one, and visited my dad who worked nights Reply
A sci-fi, claymation movie, "A Shaun the Sheep Movie: Farmageddon" begins with an alien spacecraft crash landing on Mossy Bottom Farm. Shaun quickly befriends the creature inside, helping him find a way to return home before being captured by a government agency. While not exactly the most...
After a big storm, food is scarce — and hungry dinos are everywhere. It’s up to you to help the Camp Fam survive in this thrilling interactive special. Run for the Money –NETFLIX SERIES In a race with time, celebrity contestants desperately try to outmaneuver black-clad Hunters in pur...
#MurderTrending Gretchen McNeil Dee Guerrera awakes to find herself imprisoned at Alcatraz 2.0 in a reality TV show. Although wrongly accused, Dee is surrounded by other convicted murderers and must fight to survive against over-the-top serial killers and bad ratings on the show’s social media...