Even in non-profit media, “there is a shadow cast from these old metrics…. Donors will say, ‘okay, great, wonderful story, super glad that there was a regulatory change… but how many people saw it?’ And so there’s a lot of education that needs to happen.” Identifying new ...
记得有一次周末很晚从LX家出来,A发来短信问我所在,我回说让她猜,她说,是在LX家吧?我奇道你如何猜到?她这样回答: Your life is organized like an orbit. I know. 了解了这点,就知道为何四年于相隔千里的我们,似乎只是弹指一挥间而已。 我其实了解小女儿的心理,是希望多一点surprise多一点romantic多一点傻...
Indeed, the pandemic highlighted the need to promote nonhydrocarbon sectors by strengthening the fundamental pillars of the knowledge-based economy: ICT, innovation, R&D, education, entrepreneurship, and the economic and institutional regime. The COVID-19 pandemic has also shown how important it is ...
US media outlets don’t often invest in building relationships with local influencers and policy makers who could help to spread a story, react or act on it. This can mean there is little impact and low readership, leading to decision makers at media outlets saying “see, we didn’t have...
Collective bargaining over labour conditions between unions and employers is a key labour market institution in democratic societies, guaranteed by international and national law. Its coverage, organization and impact have varied over time and across cou
It is certainly apparent that there is a gap in the extent to which students use social media and teachers’ understanding of the medium and its affordances (Rutledge et al., 2019), and this is problematic in the process of classroom implementation (Greenhow & Askari, 2017; Kale & Goh, ...
As Carolan (2017a) noted, opening up data sources without applying checks and balances is not always the solution, remarking that “free access isn’t necessarily fair access”. In this respect, all participants agreed that answers to most of these questions lie in transparency (and its many ...
In this model, inflation is driven by its past expectation and the output gap. Fischer (1977) introduces price rigidity by assuming that prices are predetermined, but not fixed. That is, contracts set prices for several periods, specifying a different price for each period. Mankiw and Reis (...
“what is right, just and fair, even when they are not obliged to by the legal framework” (Matten and Moon2007, p. 181). Voluntarily assuming more responsibilities concerning the social well-being of stakeholders affected by the company’s conduct is central to CSR (Matten and Moon2008; ...
RIOT is bringing in scent, haze, 3D sound, and other elements which have started to affect people more profoundly. Some have been moved to tears or said that the film triggered anger and other strong emotions for them. Does the artist have a responsibility to accompany people through the ...