Semisubmersible Movable installation consisting of a deck on stilts, fastened to two or more pontoons. When in operation, the pontoons are filled with water and lowered beneath the surface. The installation is normally kept in position by a number of anchors, but may also be fitted with dynam... (全网免费下载) ResearchGate Citeseer (全网免费下载) (全网免费下载) (全网免费下载) 查看更多 相似文献 参考文献Lessons from Research: What Is the Length of Time It Takes Limited English Proficient Students To Acquire English and Succeed in an All...
The BC Law Schools Competitive Moot is an appellate competition between UVic, UBC and TRU. This year’s question raised a fundamental issue of contract law. This year's team was composed of Jane Mayfield and Diana Sepulveda as appellant counsel, and Erin Miller and Angela Barna as cou...