2. Ganges River, India - The Ganges River is considered the most sacred river in India by the Hindus. What does Humber mean? Humber in British English (ˈhʌmbə ) an estuary in NE England, into which flow the Rivers Ouse and Trent: flows east into the North Sea; navigable for...
Reflections on the river The Search… Giggles & Tales Weekly Photo Challenge – Quest! Quest for the Ultimate Selfie / WPC – Sonia en Route “Life is a travelling to the edge of knowledge, then a leap taken.”– Thea Rose Cooes N Cuddles Photography! QUEST FOR FREEDOM {WCP} My...
By Dutch standards, this is a geographically varied province: the north is a familiarly flat landscape of farmland and woods until the town of Roermond, where the River Maas loops and curls its way across the map; in the south, and seemingly out of nowhere, rise rolling hills studded with...