their mother told the their offspring is cu their own their own car their own sales their products qualit their professions their report their riders gallop o their sacrifice gave their shadows their situation invol their smiles were pla their speech their traditions their twigs will be b their...
跨儿*研究没有被接纳进该领域之分析物的核心位置(the heart of the field’s analytic),而是成为“特殊的客人”(Malatino,2015年,第399页),通过一种“女人以及”的模型(a “woman plus” model)而被欢迎进入对话,这种模型将其搁置于可被认知辨识事物的边缘(the margin of what is cognizab 【4】关于这一轨...
在这方面,「讲座表演」的特殊设置始终立足于一种空间式的情境(spatial situation),在此情境中,艺术体验在于陌生化我们对知识的普遍概念;它(或多或少明确地)摒弃了将知识的生产或获取视为某种可能客观的,且自足的科学形式内的真理的流行概念,而将知识(以及讲座的形式)用作尚未包含价值,而需主观地应用以获得意义的...
在这方面,「讲座表演」的特殊设置始终立足于一种空间式的情境(spatial situation),在此情境中,艺术体验在于陌生化我们对知识的普遍概念;它(或多或少明确地)摒弃了将知识的生产或获取视为某种可能客观的,且自足的科学形式内的真理的流行概念,而将知识(以及讲座的形式)用作尚未包含价值,而需主观地应用以获得意义的...
What is a Dilemma Difference Between a Catch-22 and a Dilemma A catch-22 differs from a dilemma in that a catch-22 involves a situation in which the policies, rules, or regulations stop a problem from being solved (as shown in the examples above and repeated below). ...
What Goes On: The Double-Bind of Theorizing Rock.Explores the work of Lou Reed as a way of bridging the world of academic philosophy and popular culture on rock music. Information on the cult of obscenity, brutality and sonic abuse; Description of the double-bind of distinct discourses....
WHAT IS LECTURE PERFORMANCE? (2011) 译按 前段时间在与柏林的戏剧导演/编剧朋友 Dora 交流时,她提及了一种特别的表演形式 Lecture Performance,或可称之为「讲演」或「讲座表演」。她更多地从可表演和可编排文本的多样性出发,思考甚至连论文都能够成为一场表演或戏剧实践的可能性。而我也同样很好奇,是否在传统...
A look at asbestos fibers up close Asbestos is anaturally occurring carcinogenic (cancer-causing) mineral that resists exposure to fire, sound, water, and chemicals. It is composed of millions of fibers that bind together to create a light yet virtually indestructible material. ...
Most people are observed in the emergency department for a number of hours. If needed, they might be admitted to the hospital for more monitoring and treatment. Other treatments depend on the specific situation. Next Steps After Barbiturate Misuse Someone who is addicted to barbiturates needs prol...
collect active Treg cells. In general, the gating method of Tregs needs to be selected according to the actual situation. In addition to the above markers of Treg cells, there are many other molecules involved in their immunosuppressive function. CTLA-4 is a negative regulator of T cell ...