If you are unsure about some of the doctrines of Christianity, here is an explanation of the doctrine of God, the doctrine of God’s Word, the doctrine of angels, the doctrine of man, and the doctrine of sin. The Doctrine of God
jīdū jiào Christianity; Christian 道教 dàojiào Taoism; Daoism (Chinese system of beliefs) Derived Words or Phrases Sign-inSimilar-sounding Words Sign-inNew Search Wildcard: Use * as placeholder for 0 or more Chinese characters or pinyin syllables Full Search Form Credits🗞...
Christocentric is a doctrinal term within Christianity, describing theological positions that focus on Jesus Christ, the second person of the Christian Trinity, in relation to the Godhead/God the Father or the Holy Spirit. What is crystal centric mean?
Unitarianism is a doctrine of Christianity that proclaims that God is one entity. The doctrine holds that Jesus was a separate person and not God incarnate. Unitarian is a denomination within Protestantism. Answer and Explanation: Trinitarian theology is a Christian doctrine that espouses that God ...
The Christian faith is centered around God almighty, a holy godhead. “The doctrine of the Trinity affirms that the only true God eternally exists as three persons—Father, Son, and Holy Spirit—one in essence, united in glory, and distinct in relations” (Horrell, 2014, para.1). God ...
Christology, Christian reflection, teaching, and doctrine concerning Jesus of Nazareth. Christology is the part of theology that is concerned with the nature
“What is truth?” Pilate asked. And having said this, he went out again to the Jews and told them, “I find no basis for a charge against Him.Berean Literal BiblePilate says to Him, "What is truth?" And having said this, he went out again to the Jews and says to them, "I ...
Unity in the church is important. But so is not compromising the truth. Francis Chan wants to know: How do Christians pursue unity without compromising the essential doctrines of Christianity? And how do we determine exactly what those are? When he posed these questions to Bible Answer ManHank...
The secondary meaning is to “bring under the influence.” Dr. Merrill Tenney notes that “after making allowances for certain occasional exceptions, such as passages where washing is implied, the etymological meaning indicates that baptism was originally by immersion." (Basic Christian Doctrine, p...
Are we focused on doctrine, and interpretations of the Word, or His Presence? When we open our mouths, and speak, do people hear the words of Jesus, or our words? – – What makes a Christian? – Jesus is not coming back for the “Church Christian.” ...