a state's department of motor vehicles controls a person's driver's license identification. Centralized identity may be as basic as a username and password created
The system variables _PKSER, ONLINEUSERID and ONLINEUSERNAME can be used to determine the user license mode used by the product. If _PKSER doesn't equal "000-00000000", then the user is using a perpetual license. If _PKSER equals "000-00000000" and both ONLINEUSERID and ONLINE...
Digital linear tape (DLT) is another type of magnetic tape used for storage and archiving. Digital Equipment Corp. developed the DLT technology in the 1980s. In 1994, Quantum purchased the technology. Quantum has since adopted the LTO standard, but DLT tapes are still available from Quantum an...
Hedera is a fully open source, proof-of-stake,public networkandgoverning bodyfor building and deploying decentralizedapplications. It offers developers three primary services: Solidity-based smart contracts, consensus, and token services. Hedera is unique in that it is incredibly fast, energy-efficient...
What is a stablecoin? But Woolard pointed out that not all stablecoins are created equally. Many are simply e-money which requires a license as an e-money issuer. Others are algorithmically controlled tokens. And there are also stablecoins backed by real-world assets other than money such as...
Even in non-profit media, “there is a shadow cast from these old metrics…. Donors will say, ‘okay, great, wonderful story, super glad that there was a regulatory change… but how many people saw it?’ And so there’s a lot of education that needs to happen.” Identifying new ...
whois.py wikimedia.py wikipedia.py wirelesscharge.py wupload.py xkcd.py xtools.py youtube_playlist_downloader.py ytdl.py zipfile.py uniborg .gitignore .gitlab-ci.yml FUNDING.yml GenerateStringSession.py LICENSE Procfile README.md _config.yml app.json requirements-stdborg.txt requ...
rapidement à une AMM, a permis de répondre à un besoin médical encore non couvert à savoir des patients en rechute précoce, exposés/réfractaires au lénalidomide et au bortézomib dans le cadre d’une triplette thérapeutique. La SSP passe de 6,5 à 11,5 mois e...
用Tensorflow.js 猜猜我的女朋友在想什么. A Tensorflow.js application for facial classification. - what-is-my-girlfriend-thinking/package-lock.json at master · moevis/what-is-my-girlfriend-thinking
In reality, a reported zero DVA simply indicates that the effect of own credit risk changes on the fair value of liabilities is immaterial to the financial statements. Therefore reported zero DVA is, in principle, informative to the market, as it means, at least for the banks with a ...