Log forging or Log Injection attacksIntroduction Log forging attack is a type of attack that occurs when an attacker tries to log into a server by using the legitimate user's credentials. The attacker responds to login attempts with forged requests, leading the site to authenticate them. This ...
Out-of-Band Injection This attack is a bit more complex and may be used by an attacker when they cannot achieve their goal in a single, direct query-response attack. Typically, an attacker will craft SQL statements that, when presented to the database, will trigger the database system to...
“Regular” SQL injection is also called in-band SQLi because the attacker is able to receive results in the same way they performed the attack itself. A typical example would be to submit a web form with an SQLi payload and then see the returned database records on the same page. Out-...
What Is SQL Injection (SQLi)? SQL injection (SQLi) is a cyberattack that injects malicious SQL code into an application, allowing the attacker to view or modify a database. According to the Open Web Application Security Project, injection attacks, which include SQL injections, were the third...
A prompt injection is a type ofcyberattackagainstlarge language models(LLMs).Hackersdisguise malicious inputs as legitimate prompts, manipulating generative AI systems (GenAI) into leakingsensitive data, spreading misinformation, or worse. The most basic prompt injections can make an AIchatbot, like ...
What Is a Prompt Injection Attack? Large Language Models (LLMs) are AI models that have been trained on exceedingly large datasets of text. As a result, they’re able to map out words’ meanings in relation to one another, and therefore predict what words are most likely to come next ...
In a boolean based blind SQL injection attack, the attacker queries the database and the application returns a result. Whether the query is true or false determines the result, and whether the information in the HTTP response will remain unchanged or be modified. This in turn allows the attack...
Time based.The time-based SQL injection attack is often used when an application returns generic error messages. This technique forces the database to wait for a specific time. The response time helps the attacker to identify the query returns as TRUE or FALSE. ...
An injection attack is a process where an attacker injects or infects your web application with malicious code to retrieve your personal information or compromise your system. The attacker tricks your system into thinking that the command was initiated by you and it blindly processes the command. ...
Therefore, it can be as damaging as a classic attack, even though it is less common. Out-of-Band Injection Out-of-band attacks are the most complicated and the most difficult to construct. They are less common than the other two types. They do not rely on the behavior of the database...