What is a transform boundary?Plate movement is horizontalTransform faults are areas where two plates slip past each other. Because we live on a round planet you will see on maps where the lines of divergent boundaries zig-zag on the ocean floor. The short distance between the spreading ridges...
Why is the continental crust thicker than the oceanic crust? What is the difference between a convergent and a divergent plate boundary? What does subduction of tectonic plates mean? Why is oceanic crust younger than the continental crust?
What are the 4 types of plate boundary? There are four types of plate boundaries: Divergent boundaries — where new crust is generated as the plates pull away from each other. Convergent boundaries — where crust is destroyed as one plate dives under another. ...
A plate boundary is a location where two tectonic plates meet. There are three different types of tectonic plate boundaries, which are defined by the relative motion of each plate. The three types of plate boundaries are divergent, convergent, and transform. These plate boundaries can occur both...
Learn a transform boundary definition and what happens at transform plate boundaries and what they create. Also see transform boundary examples and...
Are contour lines found on a geologic map? What human-made features are on a topographic map? What is the difference between a convergent and a divergent plate boundary? How does a vertical geologic surface appear on geologic maps? What is the difference between abyssal plains and the mid...
Divergent: extensional; the plates move apart. Spreading ridges, basin-range. Convergent: compressional; plates move toward each other. Includes: Subduction zones and mountain building. Transform: shearing; plates slide past each other. Strike-slip motion. What is the most destructive plate boundary?
This map shows the seafloor and deformation below it at a fracture in the Wharton Basin in the Indian Ocean. This fracture likely formed when the ocean crust was formed, but now it is being turned into a new plate boundary. The depressions are indicative of a strike-slip fault, which is...
The vast majority of volcanic activity occurs where tectonic plates collide, called convergent boundaries, or spread, called divergent boundaries. However, there is a special class of volcanoes that form within plates. These inter-plate volcanoes are known as hotspot volcanoes. Hotspot volcanoes that ...
One type of tectonic plate boundary -- a boundary separates the large plates composing Earth's surface -- is the convergent boundary. Tectonic plates are in constant, although extremely slow, movement. Their movements cause land to separate, islands to f