Individuals of many animal species are said to have a personality. It has been shown that some individuals are bolder than other individuals of the same sp
已知棱长为1的正方体被两个平行平面截去一部分后,剩余部分的三视图如图所示,则剩余部分的表面积为( )
What is a Species A species of plants or animals, as the term has been generally used by naturalists, comprises all such individuals as are so similar to each other that we may suppose them all to have proceeded from one common parentage, and so dissimilar from all others that they could...
A noun that is formed by combining two or more words to create a new, single noun is called a compound noun.The combination of these two or more words results in the formation of a new word having a distinct meaning. The three types of compound nouns that are commonly used are hyphenate...
Animal Relating to the physical as distinct from the rational or spiritual nature of people Animal instincts and desires. Insect Any air-breathing arthropod, as a spider or scorpion. Animal (science) A eukaryote of the clade Animalia; a multicellular organism that is usually mobile, whose cells ...
1. What is a species? 2. Distinguish between species, population and community.Ecosystem:An ecosystem refers to a biological faction that consists of several systems of living organisms and their physical surroundings with which the organisms interact. These systems are interlinked through nut...
A. Although the name dinosaur is derived from the Greek for “terrible lizard”, dinosaurs were not, in fact, lizards at all. Like lizards, dinosaurs are included in the class Reptilia, or reptiles, one of the five main classes of Vertebrata, animals with backbones. However, at the next...
Understanding how and why members of the animal kingdom behave in certain ways is a key part of studying their biology. In this lesson, we will define animal behavior, explore the key concepts in the study of animal behavior, and finish with a brief quiz. ...
By contrast, in ornithischian, or bird-hipped, dinosaurs, the pubis points backwards towards the rear of the animal, which is also true of birds. F. Of the two orders of dinosaurs, the Saurischia was the larger and the first to evolve. It is divided into two suborders: Therapoda, or...
A. It is nearly impossible to predict weather change using artificial models B. the consequences of global warming would be disastrous in mankind C. there is a significant link between the climate now, mid man’s changing of the atmosphere ...