A dirty bomb is a type of nuclear weapon. The bomb explodes using conventional means instead of through a nuclear reaction that depends on fission or... Learn more about this topic: Nuclear Weapons: Definition, Types & Design from Chapter 7/ Lesson 5 ...
Oct. 9, 2005 -- --A "dirty bomb" is an explosive radiation dispersal device that uses a conventional weapon (e.g. dynamite) as its means of dispersing radioactive material. It is not the same as an atomic or nuclear bomb. Where a nuclear weapon uses fission to provoke an enormous exp...
A "dirty bomb" is one that generates and/or leaves behind it a great deal of long-term radiation. No 'dirt' is required. A "clean bomb" is a type of bomb that just goes bang and blows stuff apart. An example of a clean bomb is the neutron bomb. A neutron bomb kills only living...
Nuclear terrorism stands as the major nuclear threat in the world today. It is quite a far cry from the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union where nuclear missiles were the sole domain of major, nuclear powers. The theory of mutually assured destruction held those two powe...
Interview: Michael Levi discusses what a dirty bomb is and what the effect of one could beLIANE HANSEN
A clean nuclear bomb. Clean So as to be free from dirt, marks, or unwanted matter The room had been washed clean Cleaned Having no imperfections or blemishes; regular or even A clean edge. A smooth, clean joint. Clean Used to emphasize the completeness of a reported action, condition, or...
A clean nuclear bomb. Dirty Squalid or filthy; run-down Dirty slums. Clean Having no imperfections or blemishes; regular or even A clean edge. A smooth, clean joint. Dirty Obscene or indecent Dirty movies. A dirty joke. Clean Not ornate or intricate; spare "the clean lines and exquisite ...
Enough atomic bombs exist in the world to obliterate all human life completely from the planet. Despite many efforts at arms control, weapons still pose a serious threat to our species.Answer and Explanation: An atomic bomb is a weapon that makes use of nuclear fission or nuclear fusion; the...
what the government finds acceptable well, this is reassuring. according to a university instructor speaking at the aaas meeting yesterday, the u.s. government would only mandate a cleanup after a dirty-bomb attack if the level of radiation was expected to expose individuals to the equivalent of...
The bread is nearly gone too. Only the ends remain. Ki-Tek takes a piece and picks off the moldy parts. He chews on the bread as he watches his son’s Wi-Fi dance. KI-TEK Son, if one seeks Wi-Fi-- He raises his hand high. KI-TEK (CONT’D) One must reach into the ...