A director has a strategic mindset and is able to synthesize and break down complex issues to solve problems. It's important to have a vision for what can be possible, but it's as important to be an excellent and clear communicator on what that vision entails to those it may affect, an...
A PMO director is a senior-level position that takes ownership and is accountable for creating, organizing and implementing the strategies and business programs in an organization. They’re responsible for making sure that the related projects are completed on time and within budget. The responsibilit...
No, I don't think we have my name is li Xiao, my name is Fred Smith. Jimmy practice medicine hi, miss Watson a pleasure to meet you. Jack she is from England. Yes, I think we have met before. It's good to see you again. That's right. Mister li. Mister Fred Miller. Our ma...
The IT director's primary duty is to oversee daily operations. They are typically responsible for systemuptime, maintenance issues and vendor agreements. They usually supervise a small group of employees and often report to the CIO. The IT director's focus is inward, on maintaining current infras...
An effective managing director is somebody who has years of experience at the management level. The managing director position is typically one where somebody earns the necessary qualifications over their career. However, there are also specific traits that can make somebody particularly well-suited to...
It does not matter if you worked as a manager or a director. What matters more is what you did and were able to accomplish in that position. Your past actions may have given you skills that the new employer is seeking, such as verbal communication skills, negotiation skills and problem-...
I think of the title Director of Photography the same way Robert Frost regarded the term poet: a “gift” word. It's not something you can just decide to call yourself—at least not if you want it to have any meaning. Director of Photography is a title someone else confers on you, ...
Each type of position on a board—chair, independent director, nonexecutive director, or executive—has its own role to play. Understanding how these positions work together is key to building a successful board. Appointing an ambitious chair is critical, as the chair will set the tone for bro...
manager of an organization or corporation, usually at anonprofit. Their duties are similar to those of achief executive officer(CEO) of a for-profit company. The executive director is responsible for strategic planning, working with the board of directors (B of D), and operating within a ...
A general manager oversees a workforce, budgets for the work that needs to be done, ensures the company is staffed, and many other higher-level business functions. Is General Manager a High Position? General managers usually have several lower-level managers reporting to them, so it can be ...