A payday loan, sometimes known as a paycheck loan, is a type of cash advance loan. You borrow money and pay the lender back on your next payday, hence the name. However, the lender can charge exorbitant interest rates, sometimes up to 400%.¹ The National Association of Consumer Advocat...
A secured loan is a loan backed by collateral. The most common types of secured loans are mortgages and car loans, and in the case of these loans, the collateral is your home or car. But really, collateral can be any kind of financial asset you own. And if you don't pay back your...
Besides, UPI can be used for other payment services, including EMI (equated monthly installment) collections, insurance payments, personal loan payments, etc. You can learn more about UPI in UPI Payments: What It Is and How Does It Work? How to create a UPI ID Step 1: Open the google...
Installment financing is considered a type of unsecured loan, and in the past, it's typically been used when consumers want to buy a big-ticket item, such as furniture, electronics, jewelry, etc. But these days the "buy now pay later" option is showing up in nearly every sector, from ...
The Internal Revenue Service offers every taxpayer the option to itemize their deductions or to claim the standard deduction. The standard deduction amount varies depending on your filing status. However, if you have significant deductible expenses durin
ACH payments are commonly used for direct deposits and electronic bill payments. Why am I receiving an ACH payment? You may be receiving an ACH payment for a variety of reasons. The most common is for payment of goods or services. It may also be for a loan repayment, a payroll deposit,...
As a business owner, running errands is inevitable. But sometimes, you are too busy to make the run yourself. You might send an employee to pick up something or handle a task for you. If you find yourself counting on employees to use their personal cars for business, consider offering ...
TheCiti Flex Loanallows Citi customers to draw cash from your Citi credit card account up to your existing available credit limit, but there's a minimum loan amount of $500. Citi says you can have the money as a direct deposit to your bank account within one business day, or have a ch...
FILEucator Find Out If You Need to File a Tax Return or Not Frequently Asked Questions When is tax day 2026? Tax Day 2026 falls on Monday, April 15. This is the day when your taxes are due for the 2026 tax year. It's important to file your return or request an extension by thi...
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