Then, in architecture, adyke(or dike) is a man-made structure used to hold water away from a certain section of land, also called a dam, like the Hoover Dam. But the word “dyke,” when spelled with a Y, has been used over the years as a slang or slur term to describe a lesb...
A barrier of stone or earth used to hold back water and prevent flooding. *1891: ** The king of Texcuco advised the building of a greatdike, so thick and strong as to keep out the water. (pejorative) A lesbian, especially a butch lesbian. ...
"Meanwhile, I’ve heard top leadership use the word 'dike' more than once to describe anyone female who doesn’t fit their feminine aesthetic. It sucks to work in beauty as a lesbian. You hear everything when they assume you're straight. Good news is, I know who I can and cannot tr...