Advanced Signature is the most secure and standardized digital signature that has the same legal value as that of a wet paper In terms of certification, there are three types of digital signature: Class 3 certificate Signature- This kind of DSC is used for filing documents at the Ministry of...
A digital signature is a mathematical technique used to validate the authenticity and integrity of a digital document, message or software. It's the digital equivalent of a handwritten signature or stamped seal, but it offers far more inherent security. A digital signature is intended to solve th...
Digio generates a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) and applies it to your document within seconds. Electronic/Stylus Signature: Receive an OTP on your email or mobile number, then draw your signature on the document.Step 3. Upload the document you need to sign. Ensure it's in an ...
A digital signature is an online signature facility backed by an e-certificate that provides proof of the signer’s identity. It is a very secure method of digital document approval. Digital signatures use technology such as hashing algorithms, public key cryptography & encryption to secure e-docu...
After completing the form, submit it with a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) or an Aadhaar-based OTP. For DSC, sign the application using an authorised signatory’s valid DSC. For an Aadhaar-based OTP, verify the Aadhaar number of the signatory and enter the OTP sent to the registered ...
STEP 1: Apply for DIN and DSC Obtain a Director’s Identification Number (DIN) and a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) for all directors. If any director already has a valid DIN and DSC, they can skip this step. STEP 2: Draft the MoA & AoA ...
SIGNATURE files are created by DSC Management Utility (Digital Signature Certificate) to verify the identity of a user who is filing income taxes through e-Filing, the Income Tax Department in India. The utility is downloaded by the user, which generates a SIGNATURE file from an imported .PFX...
Step 1: Obtaining Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) Before initiating the DPIN application process, individuals must first obtain a Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) from a certifying authority recognized by the MCA. The DSC serves as an electronic signature for digitally signing documents submitted...
Step 1: Obtain DSC Digital Signature Certificate (DSC) is required to submit the required documents electronically. You can get a DSC from here:Apply For Digital Signature Certificate [DSC Learn more about DSC at: Learn how Digital Signature Certificate works ...
Select “Simplified to DSC link” from the left menu bar. Update the information as required and submit the form. 3:Is a digital signature mandatory for using ICEGATE services? Digital signature is mandatory for various forms in ICEGATE. It enables quicker and hassle free processing. 4:What ...