Regulator of sex-limitation (Rsl) encodes a pair of KRAB zinc-finger genes that control sexually dimorphic liver gene expression We recently showed that a panel of male-specific liver genes is repressed by Rsl, accentuating sex differences in a hormone-independent manner. Here we ... CJ Krebs...
Drag/Drop, copy/paste of differential pairs Viewing signals/nets that are Diff Pairs has never been easier in ASA. The icons show where Diff Pairs exist along with polarity indicators. Tagging nets as Diff Pairs is a snap in the Signal List Pane (SLP). Go ahead and use the Dif...
Differential Pair (Diff Pair) technology has evolved where more stringent checking is required in the area of phase control. This is evident on higher data rates associated with parallel buses such as QPI, SMI, PCI Gen 2, DDR, QDR and Infiniband. In the si...
Although an addition or a loss of a complete sex chromosome is the most common chromosomal aberration associated with SCAs, there are often variable karyotypes in each SCA including mosaic forms, ring chromosome (in TS), individuals who carry a higher number of X chromosomes (in KS), and oth...
in a 10-layer configuration where the connector is mounted on the bottom. Clear of the cross-over, the routing continues as a normal edge-coupled differential pair on layer 8. This illustrates that there is more than one way to implement diff-pairs. A crowded pin-field is another possible...
Sometimes it helps to visualize rather than discuss a concept. Using a matched pair of conductors in the cable, two complementary versions of the same signal are sent simultaneously: the “hot” signal is the signal we are trying to send (in its original, or 0-degree phase) to our endpoin...
Differential Equations:An equation involving ordinary derivatives or partial derivatives of one or more dependent variables with respect to one or more independent variables is known as a differential equation. sinx dy−3x dx=0,x(∂2f∂x2+fy)=k are some examples of diff...
the common requirement is to increase the data rate of each pair of differential lines to 50 Gbit/s or higher. If NRZ technology is still used, the time margin requirement for a transceiver chip and transmission link will become stricter because each symbol period is less than 20 ps. In ...
Differential Pair Swap The differential pair pin swap feature is an option added to the existing swap pins command. The option has two modes. If Diff Pair Swap is not selected, there is no effect on the existing swap pins functionality. There is also a us...
Thenet interest rate differential(NIRD) is a specific type of IRD used in forex markets. In international currency markets, the NIRD is the difference between the interest rates of two distinct economic regions. For example, if a trader is "long" on theNZD/USDpair, they own the New Zealand...