“But is it really so obvious? Tell me, what is so obvious in Philemon to indicate that it is inspired? And what is so obviously unorthodox in The Shepherd or the Didache or Clement’s letter or any of the other first- and second-century Christian writings? You’ve never even seen th...
Heaven and Earth Part 1: What is the Old Testament referring to as "Heaven"? In this episode, Tim and Jon begin their conversation about heaven and earth starting in Genesis 1. This is the first time ?heaven" appears in the Bible. ?The heavens? literally means ?the sky.? Did the anc...
The same is true for the last “in,” inerrancy. Inerrancy simply means that the Bible is without error. It’s a belief in the “total truthfulness and reliability of God’s words.”5This isn’t just in passages that speak about salvation, but also applies to all historical and scientifi...
"‟Do Not Give What is Holy to the Dogs (Did 9:5d and Matt 7:6a): The Eucharistic Food of the Didache in its Jewish Purity Setting." VC 56.3 (Aug 2002): 223-246.Sandt, Huub van de. "`Do Not Give What Is Holy to the Dogs' (Did 9:5D and Matt 7:6A): The Eucharistic...