When formatting my storage card for use as internal storage, I see a message saying the card is slow. Why is that? My phone is brand new, but the available storage is lower than the total capacity. Why is that? What's the difference between using the microSD card as removable stora...
Instead of dialing each phone number, getting the occasional wrong one, and losing time due to inefficiencies, an outbound dialer can pull contacts from your database and automatically call each number when an agent is free. If there is no answer, contacts get added back into the queue. If ...
Round-robin:The call goes in a circular path from one member to another until it is answered. If all members are busy during the first cycle, the call repeats the cycle. Use cases Make it or break it with the routing algorithms: set the rules that work best for your business. ...
A factory reset will erase all data, media, and files from the phone storage. You'll lose them and won't be able to restore them if you didn't sync or back them up before. Make sure you've backed up all important information and files before you proceed. Make sure the p...
Case Assignment: Agents can now assign a contact or account to a case during an active call when a single match is found. Enhanced Screenpop Handling: Improved screenpop behavior for consult and conference calls: No screen pop occurs on incoming consult calls or after leaving a conference. Scr...
Case Assignment: Agents can now assign a contact or account to a case during an active call when a single match is found. Enhanced Screenpop Handling: Improved screenpop behavior for consult and conference calls: No screen pop occurs on incoming consult calls or after leaving a conference. Scr...
TIBS DialerThis is a modem hijacker that disconnects a victim’s PC from a local phone line and connects it to a toll number that accesses pornographic sites. CoolWebSearch (CWS)This spyware exploits security vulnerabilities in Internet Explorer to take over the browser, change its settings, re...
Without the need for dedicated hardware and with no line limitations, creating more virtual phone numbers to scale with your business is easy. When you’re building a sales team and hiring more employees, you can call your administrator and add all the virtual phone lines you need. ...
For example, a 500 error means that the server couldn’t find the requested file or couldn’t access the database. To fix this problem, contact the site administrator and tell them about the issue. They’ll probably ask you to provide specific details about what happened, and this will he...
All it takes is a few clicks from your system administrator to set up a number for each new employee. And because calls can be taken from a computer or even a mobile device, a cloud-based system enables your team to send multiple types of files and messages, even while on the go. ...